We were unable to celebrate Parker's birthday as a family on his actual birthday, so we celebrated today. Happy Birthday Party Parker! Parker LOVES cars. And trucks. And basically all vehicles. For his cake, I made him a car. He loved it!

Vroom! Vroom!

Nolan may have been a little jealous, but was a great sport.

That was just a little too much frosting for Ted and me, so we got a piece out for Nolan and let Parker go crazy!

Do you see the fingerprints on his face?

Afterwards, we needed some serious bath time!

Love the curls

Now the exciting part, presents!

Happy birthday to Parker!
wow...a recorder and a drum! You brave brave mother. Happy birthday Parker!
Love. That. Baby! He is seriously delicious. Way to start the band early. They'll be rockstars by kindergarten.
Great pictures - the cake, the hair, everything. Can't watch the video, sound is broken on my computer, will have to watch on Brian's sometime. So glad he had a happy party after a sick 1st birthday. What a darling, sweet boy.
Happy Birthday! Love the cake. Wish I was that adventurous! HA! Thanks goodness for beautiful babies!
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