One year ago, our sweet baby Parker joined our family.

We can't believe how quickly the time has passed and we can't imagine life without you.

Parker seems to be all boy. He loves vehicles and says "Errr, errr" (Vroom, vroom) whenever he sees them. He loves his Daddy and shouts "Dada" while pointing enthusiastically when he sees him. Nolan or "Nah-Nan" is his best buddy. He can say Mama, but it is usually in a sad, please do something for me, voice. He loves animals and makes the same sound for all animals, but dogs get an enthusiastic panting sound, too. He loves playing, reading books (he has to do the reading, not Mom), eating, balls, and laughing. He has started cruising tentatively around our furniture, and I am sure those first steps will be happening sooner than I can imagine.

Poor Parker actually has been pretty sick the last few days with a really high fever (almost 105) and just feeling miserable. Although he has had a few ear infections, this was his first fever. We still managed to have a little fun celebrating the day.

For breakfast today, Parker had waffles, strawberries and bananas. He was a little too sick to enjoy, but it looked yummy!

He had 2 great naps today, so for dinner we decided to venture out to our new Chick-fil-A with our great friends Jackson and Addie. (Their parents came too, but seeing that Kresta is 4 weeks from delivering, she wouldn't let me get their picture.) Poor Ted had to work all day, then have class all night. He didn't even get to see Parker awake on his birthday.

Birthday Cupcake!

Our celebrating crew

My mom is a very talented woman. For each of her grandchildren's first birthday, she makes them a quilt. This is Parker's:

He has it in his crib and has honestly fallen asleep more easily and quickly since he got it. It is beautiful. Thanks Grammy!
Happy birthday dearest Parker.
Those pictures of Parker break my heart, the poor child looks seriously miserable. Glad there was some celebrating to be had despite the sickies. Happy 1st birthday to an incredibly sweet little boy.
Happy birthday to Parker! He is such a cutie, I love his newborn photos. Those chubby cheeks kill me. And what a gorgeous quilt! You mom is a talented lady. Thanks again for chatting with me about my breastfeeding woes. :)
What a GORGEOUS quilt! That is one talented woman! I'm so sorry that he's been sick! I hope he feels better soon!
Nice Pictures, I figured I owed you a comment seeing as I called a little late. Hope he is feeling better (which I already know he is as I called today). Happy Birthday again to Parker.
--Nate and Alli
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