Parker Calhoun Jones joined our family on Monday, February 15, 2010. He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 22 inches long. After a long 29 hour labor, he was successfully delivered as a VBAC . When he was born, he had a little trouble breathing and needed to spend his first few hours in the NICU, but then was given a clean bill of health and brought to our room. We feel so blessed to have this little guy in our family. Nolan has been the best big brother; singing to him, reading him books, showing him all his toys, and running in the room to see him as soon as he gets up in the morning. Parker seems to be a pretty happy guy, and he is settling in very well. Welcome to our family!
Me in labor
Right after delivery
In the NICU
Nolan warming up
Kisses for "Baby Parter"
Happy at home
This video was taken shortly after birth.
We love you so much baby Parker!