Saturday, May 10, 2008

Girls on the Run

I am a coach for this great program called Girls on the Run. Today was our culminating activity with a 5k at a beautiful park in St. Louis. I brought the program to Wilson last year, and this year I had 2 coaches helping me out. It is a great program meant to help pre-adolescent girls develop health habits, a healthy body image, and appropriate ways to deal with emotions. I really enjoyed being a coach for such an amazing program.
Our Girls

The Three Coaches

(Notice my new jogging stroller! I got the BOB for a birthday present!)

Nolan and Grandma Jody

(She and Aunt Jody ran, too!)

What a great day! After the race, Nolan and I went to Wilson's picnic. (Ted went golfing with a good friend from high school. He was excused.) We had some great food and had a fun time visiting with many people. Throughout this entire day, Nolan never even cried once. He LOVES being out and about with things to look at and people to watch. Could he be his mama's boy?

This last picture is a few weeks old, but I had to include it. We went to a playgroud for the first time. This is Nolan "riding" the toy.

What a great Saturday!


Melissa said...

These are such fun pics! I am glad you had a good day. Loving the turtle had on Nolan. He is looking so much older, and like such a little boy! Very boyish. Super cute.

Whitney said...

Nolan looks older in the picture with the hat. I love your new stroller!