Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for 2010!
Parker's favorite place to play
For Christmas this year, Ted and I were able to take the boys to Minnesota for 10 days of fun, family, food, and relaxation! My parents live in a log cabin house in the Superior National Forest of northern Minnesota, about an hour from Canada. It is truly a perfect setting for Christmas.

I come from a large family of 5 kids. Only one sibling still lives in Minnesota, but we were all able to be together this year! Melissa lives in Colorado with her husband, Brian, and 4 kids, Connor 7, Isabel 5, Lucas 3, and Mason 6 months. Lara lives in Minnesota with her husband and 3 kids, Ben almost 7, Grace 5, and Emma 2. JJ is going to Law School in Vermont, and Nate lives with his wife Alli and goes to Law School in Colorado.

My mom spends much time planning, decorating, and shopping before we all come. One of her fun activities was cookie decorating with grandkids.

Another fun activity that we spent HOURS doing was just playing outside in the snow. After playing, running, and sledding for at least 2 hours, Nolan was cold and REALLY tired and proclaimed, "I don't like winter." So funny.

Parker and Papa by the fire
Like his feet?

We all went sledding at the golf course in town Christmas Eve day.

Nolan and TedOur Family

JJ pulling the kids
My family's tradition is to open presents from family on Christmas Eve. Then Santa brings a big present and fills the stockings at night. This was our Christmas Eve celebration!

One special event that we had was a baby shower for my Aunt Meg. She struggles with many health problems, including Lupus. After wanting a child for years, they were finally able to find a surrogate and will be welcoming a little boy in March. We are so happy for you Mike and Meg!

The family at the shower
Meg is first row, second from the right

Most of the adults in my family, minus me.

All 9 grandchildren
With Grandma and Grandpa
Grace feeding Parker
The babies of the bunch-Parker and Mason
The sauna was a favorite hide out

Nolan and Lucas getting Papa

One of our last days there, we had a big snowstorm! 8 more inches on top of the 50 they already had! Yipee for Nolan! (And he said he didn't like winter.)
Out-shoveling Papa
Building a snow fort with Daddy
Jumping in the snow
We had a fabulous time and miss everyone so much already. Some of the pictures are from my sister Melissa's blog. Check it out for more pictures! Thanks again Melissa!

When we got back to St. Louis, Nolan had a new milestone also. His first day of Primary at church!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday season!