We had a fabulous Christmas this year. It was the first year that Nolan actually understood most of what was going on.
We had a great time decorating our house with Aunt Janny.
We made Nana a neat birthday present.

We also did many things I did not capture on camera; baked cookies with friends, drew Santa pictures, wrapped presents for others, played with LOTS of ornaments from the tree, baked fudge, cookies and cherry bread at home, drove around to look at lights, and just had a great time talking about everything Christmas. Nolan loved the idea of Jesus' birthday being celebrated, thought Santa Claus was cool and was determined to be on his "nice" list, LOVED Christmas trees and lights, and knew he was getting presents. One morning we were listening to "Little Drummer Boy" and I asked him what he would give baby Jesus. His reply was, "Blueberries, sing him a song and do a dance, and build him a fort and play with him in it." So sweet.
Christmas morning was so exciting!
The Bat Cave has been a HUGE hit

A great table from Grammy and Papa
(only certain toys can be played with on this)

Celebrating with the Joneses

We hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season. We can't wait for all the excitement to come in 2010. I did not send out Christmas cards this year, but I am planning on doing birth announcements hopefully soon! (Fingers crossed to be finished as soon as safely possible!)